A simple weather widget


NgWeather is the easiest way to put a simple and nice weather widget in your website.


  1. Import JS and CSS (ng-weather.css and owfont.css) in your page
  2. Go on and register to get your API KEY (without this app will soon stop working)
  3. Inject ngWeather in your app:
    var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngWeather"]);
  4. Put this simple snippet where you want the widget to appear:
    <ng-weather city="Oklahoma" app-id="YOUR_API_KEY"></ng-weather>
  5. Or this one if you wish to set city by ID ( can provide IDs)
    <ng-weather city-id="4544349" app-id="YOUR_API_KEY"></ng-weather>


NgWeather is a widget to easily add a Weather Widget in your website!